The Way We Lose Our Authenticity

What if your normal everyday self, the one that gets you through your social situations with family, work, and friends is not your deepest, essential self?

What if you found out that your original self did not fit the expectations of your caregivers, teachers, colleagues and bosses, or society as a whole, so you hid it away, even from yourself?

And what if you discovered that you left yourself a path back to your true self, a path revealed by asking the right questions?

The Diamond Approach rests on a very basic truth: our original selves were open, free, interconnected and authentically who we are. Through various life influences – among them, our parents, our peers, our culture – we gave up parts of that original self that did not fit. We then became so conditioned to acting as the surface personas that we created to face the world that we forgot who we truly are. And in the process of forgetting, we lost connection with our original self. Because that original self was fearlessly open and interconnected with everything, we lost connection to others, the universe, and to being itself.

The good news is that, in the process of hiding our essential selves, we left clues to help us rediscover them. The Diamond Approach is the practice of following those clues back to our essential selves and reality using investigation, inquiry, and meditation.
Author and Vipassana Meditation teacher Jack Kornfield called The Diamond Approach” .. a new and remarkably integrated spiritual vision (that) combines the personal, the universal, the psychological and the spiritual … “

Now ordained Diamond Approach teachers Sue Moen and Lou Weir are offering a six-week on line introduction to the fundamentals and practice of this path that combines traditional wisdom teachings and modern psychology. This is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the teachings and embodied practices of The Diamond Approach to see if this is the right path for you.

Six sessions will take participants from an overview of The Diamond Approach to hands-on, experiential practices, including: an introduction to Kath Meditation, Sensing, Looking and Listening, personal inquiry, and the “Theory of Holes”. Each session will include an introductory talk and instructions from the teachers, followed by exercises, plus a Question and Comment period so participants will have time to explore their personal questions with the teachers and fellow students. The knowledge and practices you gain during these six classes will help inform insights about yourself, your life, your relationships and the nature of reality.
The Diamond Approach is not some esoteric practice that requires years of preparation or demands that you to leave, or even change, your daily life. Instead, it begins right now, wherever you find yourself in your life and explores what lies beneath that, eventually leading you to discover what is fundamental about you and the universe you live in.

As teacher Weir says, “We are peeling back the onion to find the potential of the beings that we are, and that potential is unlimited. It’s not the same for everyone; it’s unique and personal. We are unique expressions of that reality, and it is a precious gift to find out more about it.”
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Lou Weir

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